11 Haircuts
My time left in Taiwan could be measured several ways.
1 haircut. As I get my hair cut every month, I'll only have need for one more.
24 more 700ml cups of tea. I'm averaging one a day. Some days its three, some days its zero.
216 horn honks. Contingent on what day I sell my scooter. I calculate that I honk my horn 9 times a day to alert nearby drivers, pedestrians, and potential u-turners that I am in the vicinity.
7 near death encounters on the road.
3 trips to Starbucks. It's true. I go about once a week. Much more than I ever went in the States.
31 more classes taught at Hess, along with the possibility of subbing kindergarten for a couple of weeks.
5 times that I'll smile and nod when requested by a co-teacher to do something in another (their own) way.
3 Chinese classes. 不好
10 lunches with Ariel.
4 sandwiches from my favorite local sandwich shop.
3 bowls of beef noodle soup.
1 turkey rice lunch box.
1 trip to Miao Li.
3 visits to Match Cafe.
15 谢谢's from The Tea Shop ladies. "What is the memory of the tea? The teashop."
I'm sure I'll think of more. I'm not sad. I'm sentimental.