Yesterday, David and I headed south with our friend Ariel to visit Tainan. This trip was about food and history, and the former more than the latter. Here is a photo tour of the day.
This was our first meal. I'm not sure what is was called, or what it was. It was sticky and covered in gravy, and it was good.
For our next meal, we had sticky rice dumplings. I am told this is a traditional food eaten during Dragon Boat Festival. It's glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves with various ingredients. The ones from this restaurant must be exceptional because Ariel's mom had her bring home 15.
In between meals, we visited some historic sites. This was the AnPing Fort, I think. The Dutch colonized Taiwan back in the 1600's, and then were kicked out years later by Mainland China. This sculpture was aptly titled "The subjugation of the Dutch". The fort that the dutch built was later named something like "Building of the red-bearded barbarians". There is also a diorama in the museum depicting some Dutch people graciously bowing to a Chinese emperor and agreeing to leave Taiwan. I guess the winners always get to depict history from their point of view, right?
And then more food. This is called a Coffin Cake. It seemed a lot like chicken pot pie to me. Nothing particularly Taiwanese about it.
At last, the famed Oyster Omelet. Its exactly what it says it is. By this time I was tired of foods with gooey textures.
After dark, we went to the night market. This is a picture of the night market from a distance
This is soap, with a toy inside. Could it get any more Asian cutesy?
This is a red bean cake in the shape of a fish.
A big stewing cauldron of chicken feet. I did not partake.
Two very cute piglets. Again, I did not partake. I was going to buy one, but it squealed when I touched it, and so did I. Not a good quality for a pet or a snack.
And last, a video walk through the night market.
in the first picture of food, it looks a little like stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and possibly some meatloaf.
what's the music at the end of the video?
I'm not sure what the music was. I hear strange music everywhere I go, whether its the garbage truck or schools letting out.