Be Kind, Dammit.
"You liberal fucking pussy. Mind your own fucking goddamn business."
As he yelled at me I started thinking maybe I should have and maybe I would have, but I had just left a lecture on psychoanalysis and a new world ethic -- seeing and interacting with people as full human beings.
It was after dark on a bridge crossing the Chicago river. He was a white guy in a trench-coat speaking to someone sleeping on the street.
"Who did you vote for?" I heard him ask her.
I was already crossing the street but felt drawn to go back. So I deviated from my path. Waited on the light to change, and went back.
"Hey. Are you harassing or helping?" I asked with real curiosity since I wasn't sure what was going on.
"I just asked who she voted for. If she voted for Romney I would have helped her."
He'd been drinking.
"So then you are harassing her. Why don't you leave her alone."
"You fucking liberal pu..."
And so I walked away with him screaming for me to fight him. I could still hear him yelling a block away for me to come back and fight. No one sharing the sidewalk would make eye contact with me.